Are you ready

to access the exact Instant Conversion Offer Method gets my clients booked out?

Client R. was booked by her dream corporate client within two weeks of creating her first offer

Client M. is getting paid 3x more than others who are in the same niche as her (but don't use this system)

I win corporate clients from cold contacts withing days and weeks, not months.

Corporate Offers That Sell is the program where I teach you how to create high-ticket offers for corporates that they cannot wait to buy!

Imagine waking up to emails from dream corporates asking "when can we meet?"
Imagine creating offers for prestigious corporations feeling easy, having fun and KNOWING that they will sell (over and over)

Corporate Offers That Sell breaks down how to quickly and easily create corporate offers that

  • encapsulate your zone of genius,
  • your unique perspective and
  • your unique authenticity,

so that you sell at almost illogical speed.

Others will tell you it takes 4-6 month min to sell to corporates - you will do so in 2 - 6 weeks.

And createlife-altering results for your dream clients (so that they buy from you again & again)

You will learn my exact offer creation process that makes your offers speak directly to your clients' highes value priorities, the challenges they want your help for NOW & and so much more...

Of course, it goes without saying...

Winning and retaining corporate clients requires creating & articulating the impact they need - and there is a formula for this.


If your offers are not designed to give them tangible, intangible and energetic results,


If you don't explicitly connect each individual component of your work to those results,


If you don't structure your offers to be so easy for corporates to buy,

That is the reason why it prospects don't snap up your offers, why it takes months to even sell one offer, why you don't hear "yes" as often as you wish....
Too many corporate offers are vague in the specific results they bring, vague in the time it takes to create those results and vague in who they are actually for...

That is why in Corporate Offers that sell, I hold your hands to design offers that 

Make it simple for your dream corporate client to say yes quickly

Create impact from the very first interaction so that they cannot wait to hire you for more

 Give you the freedom to make 6-figures in a way that is perfectly aligned to your dream business and life design

when you design your offers for your clients' high value priorities they hire you faster than you can say "offer"

Because you are now a match for offers that sell.

Why I am uniquely qualified to talk about Impact

Hi, my name is Miriam

And since 2012 I have been running my 6-figure corporate consulting practice - part-time to fit around my family.

Part of what makes me successful in selling multi-5 and 6-figure services to my clients is the fact that as a senior corporate decision-maker and former CFO I have a deep understanding of corporate buying behaviour and psychology.

Since 2021, I have shared my skills and insights with passionate experts in the online space to teach, guide and mentor them to win corporate clients for their own businesses.

This has led to results such as:

  • Turning a $5k offer into a $15k per quarter long-term engagement
  • Securing a $180k per annum contract for 2 days coaching per month
  • A client winning her first corporate client within 2 weeks from a simple conversation and doubling her ROI on her investment in working with me

And many more...

What we cover

Picking the perfect industry sector niche

Validating your offer is something that corporates will pay for - high ticket

Build your own multi-5 and 6-figure corporate offer based on our zone of genius and authentic self (actual content and copy)

Guarantee your offers speak directly to your dream clients highest priority needs (this creates instant sales)

Create all the content for your 6-Figure - Instant Conversion Offer

Practice your offer in real-world, customized scenarios with this former CFO


Corporate Client Leads On Tap Training: finding corporate clients becomes as straightforward as opening a tap

Corporate Cash Stacking: how to prove the ROI of your work & Pricing for 6-Figure Corporate Clients 

Value at ROI 15:1 > $22,000




3x $497



Every 3 months, we run 4 weeks+ of high proximity learning using the innovative "flip the classroom" methodology that creates faster & more profound results than traditional online courses (value $2,727) - DM for next live session

Activate your energy practices that get you into alignment AND action taking (yes, you have lifetime access to the replays) (value $4,444)

ROI validation for your offers so that you never hear "this is too expensive" (value $2,222)

Pricing your offers for an easy yes (value $997)

Create your corporate leads on tap strategy (value $3,397)

Real-world practice scenarios, custom-tailored to your offer so that you can practice & amplify your delivery for maximum results for your clients (value $888)

Pay in full bonus - 1:1 strategy session (value $2,222)


Answering all your questions:

Is Corporate Offers That Sell for me?

Passionate experts who want to make a big impact & big income with their work and live amazing lives.
Dedicated coaches, consultants, speakers, trainers and specialists who are done spending their time on social media, chasing low-ticket individual clients.

Entrepreneurs who want to learn how to get their dream corporate clients on repeat without relying on LinkedIn or appointment setters.

Self-led business owners who want to add $5K to $25K a month to their bottom line from a single corporate workshop (and of course a lot more from ongoing corporate work).

Is this just a lot of theory?

Corporate Offers That Sell focuses on getting real tangible results that you can use immediately by creating your corporate offer portfolio that is highly targeted to the exact needs your corporate clients have. 

We start off by validating that corporates indeed want what you offer (I know they do, but it's a good reaffirmation), then go through a process to pick your perfect industry niche. This is a simple but powerful, step by step process that you come out of having chosen one initial niche to focus on (you can expand later). 

We then start actually building out your offer - making sure it is exactly what corporates want (I use specific industry tools for that). This means the full framework of your offer portfolio so you can sell anything from individual workshops to full transformation programs lasting 12+ months. And we even create the content - all the way down to the content for e.g workshop slides, activities to drive change etc. 

In short, the outcome is a fully built out corporate offer you can take and sell. 

What if I miss a live session

The program contains access to on the unique "flip-the-classroom" methodology that has been proven to get amazing results for students because the learning happens in your own time & at your own speed, while the live sessions are there to support you & help you implement what you learn. When you join, you get instant access to all the existing training sessions, practices and tools and previous live recordings. New live sessions are held every 3 months and you get access to all future LIVE sessions from the moment you join.

You have life-time access to replays and you can submit questions and content for review to the lives, even if you cannot attend.

Have more questions?

Drop me an email at or DM me on social media:




This is not a get-rich-quick scheme. In fact, it's the very opposite - getting results requires hard work, dedication, skill, experience and a dose of luck. I am sharing my experience with you so you can learn from it but it's in no way a a guarantee that you will get the same or similar results. I'll give you the tools but you will have to use them! Nothing on this site shall give you the impression it's a promise or guarantee of future earnings!

© Impactfulness Lab - steal, swipe or borrow and Karma will get 'ya!

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