The Secret to earning...

multi-5 & 6-figures with a single corporate client isn't about creating a massive program for all of their thousands of employees.

If it were, how come I have made between $35k-$120k/pa from one client working with teams of 10-30 leaders? Or how does my client make $150k from a single client working just 2-3 days a month?

The secret is about balancing your capacity to lean fully in the transformational value of your work (& hold that space when your client worries about THEIR capacity) and the strategies to help your clients experience that impact in real life (real life results are the rocket fuel for your sales).

Your earning potential with corporate clients will always be determined by how far you lean into and leverage the value of your work.

You can measure that

By the number of opportunities that come your way.

By the time it takes to sell to them.

By the fees they are willing to pay.

Without expanding your capacity to lean into the transformation for your client, you will not exceed your current income.

This is true if you are brand new to corporates or a seasoned expert: if you are seeing the same results months after months, it's due to a limited internal capacity to lean into your work's transformation.

Inside IMPACT, the Masterclass, I break down how I changed my capacity to hold space for my client transformation, leading to my multi-5 and 6-figure successes.

Of course, it goes without saying...

Winning and retaining those type of clients requires creating the impact they need - and there is a formula for this.


If your offers are not designed to give them tangible, intangible and energetic results,


If you don't explicitly connect each individual component of your work to those results,


If you don't structure your offers to be so easy for corporates to buy,

Earning multi-5 and 6 Figures from one client will be nearly impossible, leaving stuck at "just average" or below the income level we both know you deserve.
Worse: the transformational impact of your work will be limited, too!

That is why in IMPACT, the Masterclass, I break down exactly how to structure your work to:

Make it simple for your dream corporate client to say yes quickly

Create impact from the very first interaction so that they cannot wait to hire you for more

 Give you the freedom to make 6-figures in a way that is perfectly aligned to your dream business and life design

When you leverage your capacity to lean into the transformational value of your work and structure your offers for an easy yes and triple impact results, you become a match for that level of corporate clients.

Because you are now a match for IMPACT.

Why I am uniquely qualified to talk about Impact

Hi, my name is Miriam

And since 2012 I have been running my 6-figure corporate consulting practice - part-time to fit around my family.

Part of what makes me successful in selling multi-5 and 6-figure services to my clients is the fact that as a senior corporate decision-maker and former CFO I have a deep understanding of corporate buying behaviour and psychology.

Since 2021, I have shared my skills and insights with passionate experts in the online space to teach, guide and mentor them to win corporate clients for their own businesses.

This has led to results such as:

  • Turning a $5k offer into a $15k per quarter long-term engagement
  • Securing a $180k per annum contract for 2 days coaching per month
  • A client winning her first corporate client within 2 weeks from a simple conversation and doubling her ROI on her investment in working with me

And many more...

What is included


Day 1: the energetics of leveraging the transformational power of your work that wins you repeat high-ticket clients using my transformation capacity method to skyrocket you corporate client attraction

Day 2: the strategies to package your work for high-speed, high-ticket YES and consistent repeat hires with dream corporate clients using my Impact-Connect Framework

Value: $444





This is not a get-rich-quick scheme. In fact, it's the very opposite - getting results requires hard work, dedication, skill, experience and a dose of luck. I am sharing my experience with you so you can learn from it but it's in no way a a guarantee that you will get the same or similar results. I'll give you the tools but you will have to use them! Nothing on this site shall give you the impression it's a promise or guarantee of future earnings!

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